Friday, September 19, 2014

Post 1: Initial Meeting (9/12/14)

   A)   At our first meeting Mariah Rist, Elizabeth Kindred, Daniel Henderson, Danielle Payne, Gina Brewer, and Kady Newland were present.
   B)   Our group discussed ideas for our community project and brainstormed about the population we want to focus on. We decided to direct our project towards social workers and the burnout they face entering or being in a field that can cause significant emotional distress. We want to incorporate mindfulness, yoga, and other healing methods to help social workers take care of themselves so they can better serve the community. Our group discussed ways to implement our project and different ideas on how to approach the issues social workers are facing. We decided to think of ideas over the next week and meet back together as a group and share ideas and thoughts.
   C)   We completed the task of creating a group, sharing ideas, and creating a possible route for our community project. Each person in the group is responsible this week for thinking of ideas for our project and how to direct it towards the social work profession. Pending tasks include our projects exact focus and how to execute the project so that it successful and helpful in the community. 

   D)   Each person in our group is responsible for thinking of different ideas and avenues for our project. Our goal is to narrow down our ideas and come up with a rough draft game plan on how to proceed with the ideas presented.

Authored by: Mariah Rist