On 10/31/14 we had a group meeting after class. Present during our meeting were Daniel, Danielle, Kappy and Mariah and absent were Gina, Stephanie, and Katie. During our meeting we decided who was going to write the different parts of our group paper. Kappy and Mariah are writing part one and two, Daniel is writing part three, Stephanie is writing part four and Danielle and Katie are collaborating on part five. Gina will be responsible for proof reading and editing our group paper. Our group is still in the process of researching our topic and have stumbled upon some interesting research related to our topic done by the University of Buffalo. As a group we will decide if we want to implement some of the components from the study done by the University of Buffalo into our project. Over this last week we have been talking with other students in different classes regarding their perception of self care and how they feel out program here at the U addresses it. We have gathered similar views from almost everyone we have talked to. We also would like to pass around a self care assessment tool that the University of Buffalo produced to see the different results other students in our cohort get.
This sounds good. We all talked today, so I won't leave a long comment. I believe I said much of this earlier; however, you will want to use the literature to document that social worker burnout is the problem and write about the consequences of the problem. I like that you intend to use the self care assessment tool. That's great that it already exists! I'm interested, also, to find out if the self-care programming at University of Buffalo has been shown to be effective. Finally, if you create a self care program at the U, you will want to come up with a plan to ensure its sustainability after you've gone. Thanks.