Thursday, December 4, 2014

Blog Post 6

(a) who was present: Kappy(Kap Daddy), Kady, Steph, Mariah, Daniel, Danielle, and Gina 

(b) what was discussed/decided and the rationale: Discussion was had regarding "Conceptualizing the Problem" paper, specifically progress and completion of assigned sections, deadline for submission to Gina for editing, editing process, and individual issues in completing sections. Our group seems to have settled in to developing and understanding of the problem, rather than jumping ahead to interventions. This appears to have helped in gaining perspective of the overall project.

(c) tasks completed or pending: all sections of the paper have a deadline of 11/28 and are to be submitted to Gina, out designated editor.

(d) the responsible party for those tasks: Kappy(Kap Daddy), Mariah, Danielle, and Kady have already submitted their sections and Daniel and Steph will submit by 11/28.

1 comment:

  1. Great! It sounds like you are ahead of the game regarding finishing the final paper. And I'm glad you've stepped back from the intervention for the time being. :) I look forward to watching your project progress during spring semester!
